
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1st Place Routine! (Click Here)

Ok. I'm a dweeb. I can't figure out how to make a direct link to the slideshow I created for you .... so just cut and paste (soooorrrry!) this link to view it!

If anyone knows how to insert a link here please share with me so I don't have to look like a dweeb anymore. :)

This is the winning routine at the AFJROTC drill meet last weekend. This is the Innovative Element Unarmed. Still working on getting some video ... ENJOY!

OKAY! Somehow I linked the post title to the slideshow, so just click on the title and it will take you there!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009


We spent a wild weekend in Raleigh at my son's AFJROTC Unit's drill meet. It was a long drive and the weather was less than ideal, but boy are we glad we went! This group of kids did such an awesome job at the meet! We are so proud of them!

They placed 1st - F I R S T !!!!! - in the Flight Innovative (otherwise known as Flight Fancy). Let me just say this is a tough event to win. And, not only did they win, I think they won hands down! The judges were even smiling during their routine! They spent many, many hours working on this routine and they ROCKED!! It actually brought a tear to many a parent's eye, including my own.

The color guard team took 3rd - T H I R D !!!! - I think it's been about 4 years or so since they've placed in color guard, so they were thrilled!


Why are they looking so, well sloppy and dirty, you ask? This drill meet had an athletic competition after the drill routines were complete. It was very exciting!! Many of our cadets competed and did great ... then the rain came and turned the competition into mud! I ran for cover before the rain hit so I missed the end.


I am working on a slide show of the day that I hope to have done and posted in a day or two. I took about 800+ pics, so be patient with me! :)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Secret Thrill

As some of you know, on occassion, I get the opportunity to photograph one of God's most beautiful creatures ... the horse. I've always admired horses from afar - in a pasture, on t.v., etc., but other than that, have no experience with them. Then about a year and a half ago I was introduced to the beautiful Paso Fino and my love of horses was transformed into a tangible thing. I've had the most awesome opportunity to spend time with and photograph these gorgeous creatures many times now and I never tire of it. I just adore them. I admit to being a little nervous around them at first. They are, after-all, much bigger than me! But I've learned to read their body language and now feel much more comfortable around them. I never pass up an opportunity to try and capture their beauty on film.

I met this little lady on Saturday. Her name is Canteleta and she was sooo sweet!


My girls usually tag along any chance they get. Miss "K" got such a thrill when Lisa asked if she could hold Canteleta for a moment. Just look at her face! I think it's so awesome that they have had the opportunity to spend time with these gorgeous animals as well. We'll probably never own a horse. So this is the next best thing!!!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Beautiful Custom Albums

In my Spring Special one of the packages mentioned a "Custom Album". Here are some sample photos for you to look at!

These albums are absolutely beautiful! A real step up from any brag book you can buy at the store! Each album is custom made - you select the cover, page color and page quantity. They come in an array of covers - well over 20 different colors, textures and fabrics. Covers range from gorgeous silks to environmentally friendly animal skins. The heavy stock pages are very substantial and will withstand the test of the time. You select the number of pages you'd like as well ... 5, 10, 15 and more.


Each album is customized for you and you only. What a wonderful way to show off your child or family! The album offered in the Spring Special, is a 5"x5", 5 page album with a fresh moss colored textured cover. Each book contains 10 sides of gorgeous images, of your choosing, from your session.


These little gems are absolutely delightful! Mother's Day is right around the corner. Why not surprise Mom with a custom album filled with memories of her grandkids and maybe even YOU! Hop into a photo with your kids and make a memory to be cherished forever.


And you grown kids out there ... your Mom would love to see photographs of you as well! No matter how old you get, you're always somebody's baby.



Due to the custom, hand-crafted nature of these gorgeous albums, there is a 3-4 week turnaround, so plan your sessions accordingly if you're planning on giving one as a gift.


I will have samples of these albums at your photo session for you to see and touch.
Trust me, you'll LOVE them!

Prices for these albums can be found on my website within the week.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Dose Of My Own Medicine


Yep, this is me folks ... I needed a photo for a publication that I am going to be in. So, my 13 year old dear daughter, Miss "K" took these for me. She's an awesome little photographer. And, boy, is she picky! Always tweaking my hair, or telling me how to stand and tilt my head, etc.
Geeesh, I wonder where she gets that from!


Boy, it's tough getting in front of the camera. Why is it that we're always so critical of ourselves? All we see are the wrinkles, gray hairs, weight gain, etc. I'm no different. I did, however, tell Miss "K" to downplay the things that really bother me about myself and she did an excellent job! I actually kind of like these photos. And I'm glad that when I'm really old and downright decrepit, my kids will have these photos to remember me at this time in my life.


Perhaps I'll get on this side of the camera more often ... maybe ...

Thanks, K.K. Love You!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I Love Tin Grins!

My baby got braces this week! Compliments of Dr. Hass, Family Orthodontics. Aren't they cute! I love kids in braces. I just think they look so "All-American" when they've got them on ... if that makes any sense. LOL



She's only got uppers on right now. Lowers don't go on for several more months. Can't wait to see her beautiful smile when she's all done!


"A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear."

~ Dr. Ron Sain, Orthodontist

Friday, March 13, 2009


Sunday, March 8, 2009

TuTu Mania

I am sooo looking forward to spring! I can't hardly stand the wait! I absolutely love it when all the trees bud out and my beautiful perennials start coming to life.
It's almost here!

To pass the time, I've been getting things ready for my Spring Special! Including making tutus for all the cute little girls out there! I've got 5 made so far and just ordered a whole slew of materials to make several more. I'll have just about every color under the sun!






I didn't happen to have a little girl handy the day I decided to take these pics, so this nice tree had to stand in for me. I embellished a little bit, so you'd get the picture! :) Imagine your cute little girl here instead: simple white tee, bare feet, laughing as she skips across the yard, hair blowing in the wind.... TOO CUTE!
And if you happen to have a little boy, don't worry! I've got them covered too! Cute stuff for them as well!!!

The Spring Special is coming out this week, so be sure and check back! You won't want to miss out on the fun!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 5, 1989 ~ A Very Special Day

Do you remember where you were 20 years ago today? Wow .... 20 years ago. That's a long time, isn't it? Well let me tell you where I was 20 years ago today. I was in the hospital, hooked up to various machines and contraptions. I had nurses coming and going and a doctor who popped in periodically to check on me. But I wasn't sick, or injured ....

20 years ago today ... my husband and I became parents. 20 years ago today, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl we named Stephanie. She was tiny, pink and wrinkly with a big cone head with a bruise on top and a slightly battered face. We adored her. She brought such changes to our lives. Just like that we went from a couple to a family and everything we had known changed. It's amazing what such a tiny little bundle can teach you. You learn that you are capable of a degree of love, caring, patience and responsibility far beyond anything you could have imagined.


One week old



The power of a picture. I confess to not having the best memory in the world. But through these pictures I can remember everything about her childhood. As I look at these all the memories come flooding back and it feels like just yesterday that she was this small.



And look who else was young (no, not me!)... Elliott! He was just a puppy here. Look at all that beautiful black fur! He'll be celebrating a birthday soon as well. 16 next month! Do you think my glasses could have been any bigger! hah!


Had to slip this one in cause I just love it! So cute! Stephanie and her brother played together pretty well. Till they got a little older anyway... haha!


Stephanie was an active child. She liked to participate in many things. Over the years we spent lots of time at dance recitals, school events, handbells, basketball, softball, JROTC, and more. My behind spent many hours on assorted bleachers over the years... perhaps that's why it's so much bigger now!


Yep, these are all mine. All three. I miss the days when they were so willing to sit for me and get their photos taken. Those days are long gone now. Except for Stephanie. She's almost always willing to be my model when I need to try out something new, or just need to "shoot" something.


I can't believe that 20 years has flown by. In just a blink of an eye. It's so hard for me to grasp. It seems like just yesterday that this precious little girl was bouncing around our house and now she's a young woman in college and well on her way to spreading her wings to fly.


You are such a wonderful young woman with a good head on your shoulders and such a sweet personality. You mean so much to so many... and we are so very proud of you and know that you will go far in life.

Even though you can't be home with us today, I hope you know how very much we all love you and wish you the very happiest of days !


And may I just say that after looking back at all these photos, I realize how very much my photography skills have improved in 20 years as well!!! Thank goodness for Photoshop and Noiseware!!! LOL

Snow Traditions

It's so funny posting all these snow pictures when I'm trying to "spring up" my blog in anticipation of all the beautiful spring photos that will be appearing soon! LOL

Anyway, here's some more of our fun in the snow. No snow would be complete without the traditional snowman. Here's the creation my daughter and hubby came up. My contribution was his hair. :)


Just look at these two. I swear they're like two peas in a pod! And neither of them are very good for the camera - it's like pulling teeth to get them to give me a nice smile .... see .... hubby looks like he just might bite!! LOL



Oh, and the eyebrows were my idea as well! Isn't he cute?!


Miss "K"s attempt at a snow angel. She did more giggling than anything else! And was completely soaked by the time she got up! It wasn't good light to get a pic of the finished product, so you'll just have to use your imagination. :)



Hubby using our super-super, and coloful, snow shovel to clear the driveway. Temps were due to fall into the teens that night so we wanted to get it cleared while it was still somewhat soft.


I had to share this "Snow Fan" with you! This is the creation of my girlfriend's kids. He's an ASU Snow Fan! Isn't he cool! Not your average snowman. Real creativity at work here. Good job guys!!




Monday, March 2, 2009

So Pretty

We finally got our snow. And isn't it beautiful! 3" total. Plenty, considering it's March. I was out as soon as the sun came up this morning - 28 degrees and all!
Here's just a few for now ... more to come. :)



It's B E A U T I F U L outside!!

Well it snowed alright! Started last night around 7:00 p.m. and kept on through most of the night. This is the most snow we've had in about 3-4 years. I can't wait to get outside and take pics! It's a might chilly out though - 28 frosty degrees! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... I'm sure we'll have a full size snowperson this time! LOL
Check back later for pics!
I'm soooooooo excited!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Update ....

It's 2:00 and the ground is turning white - not because of snow but because of the sleet that's been falling for the last 1/2 hour of so.... looks like snow's right around the corner ....

The weather channel says it's supposed to start snowing anytime and continue on until tomorrow morning at 8:00. That means no school for the kiddies. They'll be thrilled!

... I'm still feeling a little skeptical ....
S N O W !?!?!?

Can you believe we are in a Winter Storm WARNING here?
All winter long we prayed for snow, and aside from that little scant amount we had last month, we got nothing. But now that the bulbs are coming up and the trees are starting to bud, and I'm planning my gardens and all the wonderful things I want to do in my yard for taking awesome photos .... Mother Nature decides to give us some SNOW!!! Quite a bit too, from what they're saying!
So, I've got my camera charged and you'll be seeing pics if in fact we actually get some of the fluffy white stuff. Now let me go find those snow boots ....

Stay tuned!
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