This is our beloved dog Elliott. He is 15 1/2 and has been part of our world since we adopted him from the Atlanta Humane Society when he was 4 mos old. He had been cast out on the side of the interstate with his brother and sister. He was alone, covered with ticks and fleas and just scared to death of his own shadow.

My kids can't remember life without him. My oldest was only 4 1/2 when we got him. My middle only 2 and my youngest is, well, 3 years younger than the dog!

He has lived a long and pampered life. Just another member of our family. He has been healthy as a horse, cept that he's lost the sight in one eye and can't hear much of anything (unless he wants to, of course!) But he's been blessed with good health, not even old-age aches and pains, his whole life.

He loves to play with Gidget, the 3 year old craaaazy Jack Russell terrior mix, we brought home for him a couple of years ago. They are the very best of friends and I credit Gidget for keeping Elliott young at heart in his golden years.

But I fear his time may be drawing near. He had 3 seizures over the past week. One, on Saturday morning, was particularly bad. My husband and I have been trying to decide what to do. It's so difficult. Except for the seizures, he seems to be doing quite well. But we don't want him to suffer..... I've felt very anxious for the past week. I feel like I have to check on him every few minutes or so. But when I do, he's usually just having a nice nap somewhere - comfy and cozy. I guess time will tell.
It will be a sad, sad day here when the time comes. But we can rest assured knowing that we gave a lost, lonely, scared little puppy a wonderful happy life. And we have a lifetime of precious photos of him through all the years of his life to spark those happy memories forever. And we will treasure each and every day we have left with him.
Go take a picture of your beloved pets today. We never really know how long we have here on this Earth and how important it is to capture the everyday moments so that we can relive those happy times over and over for many years to come.