I have known this family for many, many years. They actually moved here about the same time we did, from the same place we did! It was wild when we realized that! I've seen their kids grow from little tots to these amazing young teens. How time flies!!

When we scheduled thier family photos it was just an ordinary photo shoot. But then when they realized they were moving to Colorado in a couple of short months, the photoshooot took on new meaning. The family wanted momentos of the place they've called home for the past several years ... the swing set, the weeping willow tree that the kid's climbed in the back yard, the azaleas ... and, of course, the house. Although they are very excited about the new adventure they are about to embark on, they are a little sad too, at what they're leaving behind. I'm so glad that I was able to capture a few precious memories for them to take with them to their new home.

Had a wonderful time with you guys! Will have the rest of the photos for you soon!
This ...
Plus ....
This ...

... just might turn me completely gray. One teenager and one 20 year old in cars. It stretches my mommy nerves as far as they'll go. Add in the fact that teenager #2 will be driving teenager #3 to school next year - cardiac arrest in the making.
We purchased a 1996 Ford Thunderbird for our 17 year old son this week. He LOVES it! My husband LOVES it! It's a guy car. It needs a little bit of work, but otherwise is in very good shape. Will post more pics, with my son, after we get it spiffed up a bit more.
Pray for me. LOL

Just a quickie .... played with some awesome textures on this one. I like what it did for the surrounding house and plants.
Got lots of work done outside yesterday. My flower beds are all coming along. I feel much better mentally today. Allergies still causing me grief. Have a fun family photo shoot tonight. Looking forward to it!
Happy Sunday!

It's Saturday and I'm so glad. It's been a long week and I've been dragging. I think it's allergies ... or maybe I'm just getting old. Whatever, it's just drained me and I've been in a funk ... hence, slack on the blogging. But, today I'm going outside to douse myself in sunshine and gardening! I love to garden. It's one of my favorite pastimes. One in which I don't get to do near as much as I'd like to these days. But, today, it's my priority. And tomorrow I hope to be in a better frame of mind. Thanks for being patient with me! Maybe I'll have some spectactular garden and flower photos to share soon!
Have a happy weekend!

This crazy, silly image will probably be a favorite for these two when they are all grown up. They probably won't remember the day, but they'll be captured by what they were wearing, WHY they were wearing it and the sheer joy of being silly on their faces. Don't you love sifting through old photos and finding images like this of yourselves? Sure, we all have the perfectly groomed, perfectly dressed images, but these ... these are real life images. They speak to us and tell us a little bit about who we really were at that exact time in our lives. A tote of dress up clothes and these girls transformed right before our eyes and had the time of their lives doing it.
Although the image in color is a little "too much" if you can imagine, I positively adore it in classic black and white. Add a little old timey overlay and it's pretty near perfect.

... yes, I'm still alive and kickin'! I know I've not posted lately ... so much work ... so little time ... and kids home for the past week on Spring Break ...
Hope to have more to share soon! Have a great Monday!!!
I absolutely love this picture. It's just so beautiful ... the scenery, the serene pose ... the colors ... the softness of the image ... it's perfect. This would make a breathtaking large print - either matted and framed or as a gallery wrap. It's the type of image that makes people stop and take notice. I get a secret thrill when I'm able to capture little moments like this ... beautiful...
So many pretty images ... it's hard for me to pick a favorite ... I think I just love them all! When I spotted these awesome blue gates, I knew we had to use them. They had to have been about 12 feet tall. You really can't even see them here, but, trust me, they were so cool!

So pretty....

I thought this image was suited for black and white. Love it!

Last night I had the great pleasure of photographing the lovely Miss "K" at the most gorgeous Italian style home. The owner of the home, who was gracious enough to let us use his positively beautiful yard, built his home after houses he had seen and admired while in Italy. All I could say was "wow". It was really something. I could shoot there every day and never tire of it.

Miss "K" was just a natural in front of the camera. She made my job so easy! We took lots and lots of shots with several clothing changes. I can't wait to get them all finished! I just wanted to share a couple today. I'll have more later!

Here's another pose from Saturday's Military Ball. We offered everyone two poses, one a little on the formal side and one a little more casual. Love 'em both! :)

Last night I did something completely outside of my comfort zone. I was the photographer for my son's high school's Military Ball. This was a first for me! I shoot outdoors using natural light. I don't have big lights for indoor shots. So I was a little nervous about how it would work. But I'm so pleased with how the pictures turned out! The kids were terrific to work with and the whole experience was a good one! Huge, huge thanks to my dear friend who came to assist me! She's an awesome "poser" and did a terrific job with everyone. We were exhausted by the end of the night!
Here's just one photo (the only one I've edited so far - LOL) of my son and his lovely, long-time friend, Miss "E". They look so grown up!!

To all the cadets ... thanks for coming to see me! I hope to have your photos to you in a couple of weeks!
All images are protected under the US Copyright Law, and belong to S Keys Photography. Do not save to your hard drive, download, print or post any image from this blog.
Thank you for respecting my work.