I purchased this hat a couple of weeks ago to put in my "prop" box. I don't have too many accessories for guys yet, so I'm always on the lookout. I thought this hat was pretty cool.
Apparently I'm not the only one. Every time the hat is out someone in my house picks it up and puts it on. Even my hubby!
According to my son, the sports fanatic, alot of the famous football coaches wear this type of hat. It's called a fedora.
I just ordered two more from Kohls. Both black. My son wants a tan one...
fe-do-ra [fi-dawr-uh] -noun; a soft felt hat with a curled brim, worn with the crown creased lengthwise.
Now you know. :)
Check out this face! This is the face of a freshman - who made the high school VARSITY team! He played his first game last night and made the write up in the paper!!
His momma took these awesome pics of him. I swiped them from the email she sent me, so I could brag about him a bit. Who knows, he might be famous some day and I want to be able to say "I knew him back when". :)
WAY TO GO M.J.!!!!
I have been married to the same wonderful man for 21 years and have been a mom for just shy of 20 years. And for 21 years I have sent out Christmas cards with a special, never before seen, 4x6 print tucked into each one along with a letter filling in friends and loved ones near and far of our adventures for the prior year. It has become a Keys Family Tradition. People have come to expect it. Even the year that my youngest was born on December 15th, I managed to get a card with a photo out to everyone! It went out a tad later than normal, but it got there!
I can't imagine not sending photos in my cards. I, personally, have such a feeling of disappointment when I receive a card from someone (particularly those with children) and it doesn't contain a photo. There's just something about a photo that makes us feel connected to those far away.
We have our "Annual Christmas Card Photo Shoot" sometime in the fall. My kids groan and carry on, but then end up liking the end results. And they will have a lifetime of treasured photos by the time they are grown.
Have you scheduled your Annual Christmas Card Photo Shoot yet? Slots for my Fall Special are filling up quickly, so if you're interested in booking an appointment, please do so soon, before they're are all gone!
I have a wide variety of shoots scheduled already and I can't wait to get started! I'm sure we'll capture some beautiful memories together!
Email me at skeysphoto@yahoo.com or call 828.464.6242 to schedule your appointment!
... is no longer a baby at all. She'll be starting middle school tomorrow. How can that be? She was only 3 years old when we moved to North Carolina a few years ago. Now she'll be 13 in just 3 1/2 months. I can't believe how the years just fly by.
When I look at this picture it occurs to me how very much she looks like her father ... I love her quirky little smile and the way her eyes squinch up when she flashes that smile... She doesn't like either of these features, but to me they represent who she is. I even had to edit out some pimples! Yep, those teenage years are coming fast! Three teenagers ... Lord help me!
I must apologize for my lack of blogging, editing, delivering pictures, etc. I've been out of the loop for the last couple of weeks. Between losing a beloved friend, fighting a nasty UTI and kidney infection, trying to get kids ready to go back to school and college, and my husband taking a week off, I've just needed to take a couple of weeks off myself.
I promise that next week, after everyone is safely back where they belong and I have the house to myself again (aaaahhhhhh - can't wait!), I'll be back in the swing of it again! So expect to see blogging and those that are waiting for pictures, I'll be hard at work on them.
And I promise I won't fall "out of the loop" again until Christmas!!!
....I'm addicted to bugs!!! Well, photographing them anyway. I really don't like bugs all that much. I certainly don't want them on me! I just couldn't pass by this one without grabbing my camera and pestering her for a little while.
I call it "her" because, apparently, the ladies bite off their husband's heads!!! eeeeewwwwww! Obviously their momma's didn't teach them any better.
Look at those eyes! Creepy, huh??? Did you know that a Praying Mantis can swivel it's head up to 300 degrees without ever moving it's body? Just go up to one and start circling it. It's head will follow you wherever you go! And if you're lucky it won't jump on you and bite
your head off!
This girl was really big. About 4 inches or so. I used my telephoto lens, cause I wasn't getting too close! Mantises are masters of camouflage which is why it's so dadgum hard to photograph them. My camera has fits with all that green. I read that Mantises live 10-12 months on average. I wish this lady happy hunting in my flower beds and a long, happy life. :)
JUAN CARLOS IRIARTEI'm sad to say that my friend, Juan Carlos Iriarte, passed away last night, surrounded by his guardian angel, Lisa, and his loving family. He fought hard and he suffered hard and now he's in a far better place. We will miss him dearly. He was quite a man. I'm so honored to have had him in my life, if only for a short while.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Lisa and the whole Iriarte family.
~ Hugs to you all, Sandy and family
Last Friday the girls and I headed up the mountain for a day of fun at the home of new friends, Brian and Jill and all their four-legged kids... 3 horses, 2 mini mules, 1 mini donkey, 1 cat and 3 dogs. Their place is a little piece of Heaven on Earth. Stay tuned for more photos... But for now ....
Meet Bumble. The cutest dog this side of the Appalachians!
We absolutely fell completely in love with this dog. If we could have taken her home we would have done so without a backward glance.
Just look at that face! Everywhere we went she tagged right along. She definitely is the center of attention at this house!
Now that's a kiss!!!
She's got posing down pat! I could have taken her picture all day! Everything she did was just so darn cute!
Look, she's even cute when she sleeps!
Here she is posing with her human, Brian. Have I said how cute she is??? Don't you just want to squeeze her???
All images are protected under the US Copyright Law, and belong to S Keys Photography. Do not save to your hard drive, download, print or post any image from this blog.
Thank you for respecting my work.