When I look at these three beautiful young people, I can't believe they're all mine! Just look at them. One grown (barely) and the other two not far behind. Where did my babies go?? Stephanie (center) was a bridesmaid in the wedding I photographed yesterday. She looked so beautiful. My other two attended the wedding to see our dear friends, Krystal & Jesse, say I Do.
We are so proud of all three of them. You can just look at them and see what fine young people they are. I know they will all go far in life. And, if I'm lucky, I'll get to photograph their weddings someday!!! I can't wait ... well, maybe for a little while. But, someday .....
Sunday, May 24, 2009
One Proud Mom ~ Portrait Photographer, Catawba Cnty, NC
I DO ~ Portrait Photographer, Catawba Cnty, NC
Well they did it. They said I DO. Krystal & Jesse are now hitched!
As you can see, they were a lovely couple. And the wedding was beautiful. I know they will have a long and happy life together. If any two were meant to be together, it's these two!
I will have more pics from their wonderful day soon. But today (after 8+ hours on my feet yesterday), I think I may just sleep ... all day .... yeah right! :)
Have a happy Memorial Day everyone!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Smile ~ Teen/Senior Portrait Photography, Catawba Cnty, NC
Ok. Maybe just a shy tad south of authentic. But teeth are showing! And, really, what teenager has an authentic smile at 7:10 a.m.????
I'm off to shoot a wedding today. NO, I am not a wedding photographer so please PRAY for me today! It will probably take me two days to recover. And if I'm not already nervous enough, I'm having a bit of an allergy attack. Like GEEEESH, I really need that today!
Hope everyone has a fab holiday weekend!!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Mr. G.Q.
Love You Man! xoxo Mom
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Meet Mr. "S" ~ Senior/Teen Portrait Photographer, Catawba Cnty, NC
"S" is one fantastic drummer and brought his entire drum set to the shoot with him!
I learned that he's particularly fond of his cymbals. So we had to get a shot that spotlights the cymbals. Love how this one turned out!
We risked life and limb to get these awesome shots of him drumming in this big, wide-open field! Well, maybe not life and limb.... but this is the field where my son locked his keys in his car a couple weeks ago ... and we did see a really large snake that day .... Yesterday the only wildlife we saw was two very large wild turkeys!!! And lots of bugs. And I think we might have stepped in a patch of poison ivy. I guess we'll know in a day or two. lol
I think it was all worth it though. I absolutely love these pics!! I knew I loved them even as I looked through the viewfinder. The light was just perfect. The tall grasses were cool. The drums were fantastic! And "S" was so willing to do anything I asked.
One more thing about "S". He's veeeeeery smart! He's this year's Chief Junior Marshall. Perhaps Valedictiorian as well??? I guess we'll know in a week or two. AND he's running for next year's Senior Class President ....
.... against Miss "E"!! Uh-oh!!! Can I vote for both of them????
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Please Take My Poll
So this poll will run for one week. Please vote! It just takes a second and it's anonymous!
Thanks so much!
A Few More ~ Senior/Teen Photographer, Catawba Cnty, NC
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I LOVE THESE!!! ~ Senior/Teen Photographer, Catawba Cnty, NC
We met up today to get some shots of them in their awesome new letter jackets. I am so tickled with how these two images turned out. Very striking. I'll have more in a day or so.
You guys were awesome, as usual! xoxo ~Sandy
Thursday, May 14, 2009
This Little Girl .... { Children's Photographer, Catawba Cnty, NC}
Isn't she a cutie???
Her daddy is a well known and highly respected Paso Fino horse trainer. So, of course, she can ride like nobody's business!!! Check her out! The perfect little horsewoman.
Check out Startown Stables for more information about her daddy's Paso Finos or if you're interested in riding lessons.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Check Out This Ride!
Meet Brian Ickler, driver of the #15 Samsung Instinct Toyota. Aren't they handsome???
North Carolina happens to be home to many Nascar race teams. I was at Billy Ballew Motorsports in Mooresville, NC. Also home to Kyle Busch, driver of the #51 Miccosukee Resort Toyota Tundra. Awesome raceshop! And everyone was so nice and friendly. If you're a fan of Nascar and have never been in a raceshop, you should if the opportunity presents itself. They're really pretty cool!
Be sure and check out Billy Ballew Motorsports website. It's jam packed with lots of cool info!
Be sure and root for them at this Friday's Lowes Motor Speedway North Carolina Education Lottery 200!! You can watch it this Friday at 7:30 p.m. on the Speed channel.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Monday!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A Little Change .... Again ....
The only thing is the links at the veeeeeeerrryy bottom are kinda hard to read. Haven't figured out how to make the background behind them white. BUT, I just ordered "HTML Code for Dummies"! Look-out!!! I just may be dangerous after I read that!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
One of Life's Little Adventures ~ (Teenage Portrait Photographer, Catawba, Cnty, NC)
Well, we (my 17 year old son) and I had one of those little adventures yesterday afternoon. I asked him a couple of days ago if we could take some photos of him and his new car one day this week after school. He said sure. So yesterday I pick him up and tell him we're going to take pics. He was not to keen on the idea. He said he was dirty and sweaty due to a "nature hike" that his JROTC class had taken that day. It's true, he was pretty dirty. But I said "That's okay! It will add to the texture of the photos!!" Spoken like a true photographer, eh?
So we picked our spot ... an off-the-beaten path road that leads absolutely nowhere! My intent was to pull the car into the field and be surrounded by the tall grasses, trees, etc. Cool, right??? Well, on the way down the road we passed a HUGE snake slithering across! That ended the "pull into the field" part! So we settled for just parking on the side of the road and I was on "snake lookout duty".
He really wasn't into it at all. It was a little hot (83 degrees) and humid out. But, dang it, I wanted some pictures! So I took a few. None of the creative, interesting angled photos I had envisioned in my mind. My subject just wasn't willing. But I got a couple nonetheless. Here they are.....
You can see how excited he was about the whole thing .... LOL ..... so I gave in and told him we were done. Then it happened .... he realized he locked the keys in the car. We've had the car for about 10 days ... haven't gotten around to having spare keys made yet .... my purse and cell phone .... in the car ..... out in the middle of nowhere ..... hot and humid ..... very large snake just up the road ..... you get the picture.
What could we do, but walk. Back towards the high school, a couple of miles up the road. So off we go. Thank goodness the snake was nowhere to be seen! We walked about a mile when we finally came to the main road leading to the high school. By this time I thought I was going to die. I don't walk if I can help it!!! hah! Cars went by and we just kept walking, then I saw it.... A police car in the distance coming our way!!! I tell my son "START WAVING YOUR HANDS!!!!! WAAAAAAAAVE YOUR HANDS!!!!!" A sheriff, the high school resource officer to be exact, pulls over and asks us "what's up?" We begged him to help us, which he very kindly did. He gave us a ride back to the car. I graciously rode in the back, so as to save my son further embarrassment. What a good mom I am. :) After several devices and about 10minutes or so, the wonderful officer was able to unlock the door for us! We'll love him forever!
The only possession I had outside the car was my camera and my light meter. Haha! Now you know I wanted to take all kinds of pics of the officer "breaking into the car", my son's face as he watched from afar .... etc., etc., But I refrained. I only took this one photo to document the moment. Afterall, how much embarrassment can one 17 year old boy endure, right???
After we were safely back in the car, I told him that someday he would look back on this and laugh. He scoffed at me. But he will. I know it. I still laugh at the time that I ran into the back of a huge road grader! Early 20's, little yellow volkswagon bug, early morning sun blinding me.... bammm! Right smack into the back of the huge beast! It's a memory I'll treasure forever. :)
So cherish Life's Little Adventures. They're precious memories in the making. And if you happen to have a camera in your hand, by all means, snap a pic or two. :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Little Jewels
As you all know, photography is my passion. But what you may not know is that I also love to piddle in the garden. My "backyard" neighbor and I have merging gardens where we can often be found. We start gardening in early spring, raking, planning and planting. We go like gang busters. This usually lasts till about July when we start to get sick of the heat, and mosquitoes, and weeds, and overgrown plants, etc. We reemerge in the fall when the weather turns crisp and cool to rake and trim. We're passionate about it.
Alas, I don't have near the time I used to to to go outside and play. These days I'm pretty much limited to just keeping up with my flower beds, edging, pulling weeds, planting, etc. But in years past I used to take great pleasure in "lumberjacking" out in our woods! I worked very hard at trying to get them cleared of scrub and poison ivy ... all with my little flip-open 13" handsaw. I was making good progress till last year ... when S. Keys Photography took over my life. LOL Now my woods have pretty much reverted back to the wild.
Here's just a couple pics I took the other day from my yard and a couple from my neighbor's yard as well. There's just nothing like beautiful flowers to brighten up you day.
Mother Nature is helping out today, by "watering" my yard! A nice steady rain ... perfect. :)
Thank you for respecting my work.
Thanks for stopping by!
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- One Proud Mom ~ Portrait Photographer, Catawba...
- I DO ~ Portrait Photographer, Catawba Cnty, NC
- The Smile ~ Teen/Senior Portrait Photography, C...
- Mr. G.Q.
- Meet Mr. "S" ~ Senior/Teen Portrait Photographer...
- Please Take My Poll
- A Few More ~ Senior/Teen Photographer, Catawba...
- I LOVE THESE!!! ~ Senior/Teen Photographer, Cata...
- This Little Girl .... { Children's Photographer, ...
- Check Out This Ride!
- Happy Monday!
- A Little Change .... Again ....
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