
Saturday, March 1, 2008


"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
~ Pablo Picasso

I have three kids. All three are terrific-ly well-rounded. The first two more studious than the third. The first two a little more reserved and laid back than the third. The first two definitely more quiet than the third.

What does the third possess that the first two lack. Creativity. Drama. Vision. I am a very creative person. I'm not happy if I'm not creating something or changing something or playing with something to try and make it just a little bit better or prettier. Actually, I frequently call it "the curse" cause I just can't leave well enough alone.

Last night Miss K created these adorable hats out of newspaper. I love them! They're not just thrown together. Oh No. They're carefully pieced together like a seamstress would put together a pattern. They are carefully pieced and stapled, paying careful attention to detail, such as the name of the paper front and center. And the carefully constructed flower detail on the side. The insides are even lined with felt so as not to leave a black smudge on your forehead! Yep, she definitely has the curse, um, GIFT!

She even made one for her sister. I bet we'll all have one before she's all done.

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